Speghatty in spinach cheese sause ...
Ingredients -
1 small packet speghatty ,
Quick melt cheese grated 1/2 katori ,
Ajwaine seeds 1/4 tsp ,
Garlic cloves 1 ,
Spinach about 100 grm
Salt as per taste ,
Black pepper powder as per taste , oil .
Method - 1 First boil speghatty in hot water and drain in cold water .
2- put spinach in hot water for 5- 6 minutes when leaves become soft turn off the gas .
Drain spinach in cold water and puree it .
3- Now take a pan put some oil add Ajwaine seeds and garlic cloves saute for 1 minute now add spinach puree and add grated cheese and cook for sometime . Add black pepper powder and salt .
Add boiled speghatty into spinach sause mix well . Top with some grated cheese if u like more .
Speghatty in spinach cheese sause is ready .
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